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Why You Need A Monitor Arm

Why You Need A Monitor Arm

Tecno Tools is Australia's online destination for quality and affordable Technology and Tools.

Need a Monitor Arm or Mount to convenience your life? Tecno Tools is the place for you!

Believe it or not, how you set up your workstation effects your work performance and even your job satisfaction. Finding an appropriate arrangement for your desk can improve productivity and confidence, and help you feel happier at work. On the other hand, an unsatisfactory setup can be the root of frustration, making it difficult to tick off your task list and even leading to health consequences if the ergonomics aren’t up to parr. Many employees have developed chronic back pain as a result of a poorly designed desk arrangement.

monitor arm or mount can help you achieve the ideal desk setup that will unlock your productivity and help you feel more comfortable at your desk.


Benefits of Using Monitor Arms From Tecno Tools

Monitor arms and mounts let you customise the arrangement of your monitors, which has numerous benefits for your comfort, productivity, and work habits. Below are a few key benefits of monitor arms and mounts.


1. Monitor Arm Improve Work Efficiency

If you’re still just using a laptop to complete your work, you’re probably wasting time. It can be very frustrating to switch back and forth between multiple different windows while you attempt to complete one simple task. With a monitor arm and mount, you can spread your windows out across two screens and get even more done much faster!


2. Monitor Arms Reduce Neck Pain

The discomfort you’ve probably experienced from working at a desk all day can be cured by a monitor arm or mount. With a standard immobile monitor stand, your monitor is stuck at a certain position, which is often the wrong position for you. Monitor stands that are too high or low can lead to chronic neck pain.

A monitor arm or mount enables you to customise the height, angle, and depth of your monitor to the most ergonomic position for your body.


3. Monitor Arms Prevent Eye Strain

Staring blankly at a screen all day can lead to tired, dry eyes. Prevent chronic eye strain by using a monitor arm or mount to find the correct ergonomic placement for your screen. The monitor arms should be about an arm’s length away from your face, with the top of the monitor tilted slightly away from you.


4. Monitor Arms Improve Posture

Sitting at a desk with your monitor in the wrong position can result in damaging slouching, leaning forward, and other poor posture habits. Over time, sitting with incorrect posture for extended periods can cause chronic back and joint problems that will effect your health and mobility outside the office. When your monitor, desk, and chair are all ergonomically aligned, sitting with proper posture is the most effortless and natural thing to do — and you will notice the benefits right away from the monitor arm, with increased comfort and reduced tension. Improving your posture with monitor arms will not only prevent back problems, it will make you a much happier and more productive employee!




Our Brateck Single Screen Wall Mounted Gas Spring Monitor Arm could be just for you!

Designed to be high performance monitor arm, LDA30-111 helps you free up space and optimize your health and wellness. Wall-mounted monitor arm is perfect for glass surface and building wall-mounted workstation with a keyboard tray. A built-in gas spring allows for smooth and accurate adjustment to comfortable reading positions. Flexible tilt, pivot and swivel functionality provides comfotable monitor angles. 


Or maybe even our Brateck Single Monitor Interactive Counterbalance Single Monitor Arm!

The LDT10-C012 is constructed with elegant die-cast aluminium and innovative counterbalance technology. It can efficiently free up space on your desk and easily move your LCD monitor into the best ergonomic position. Highly adjustable arm moves up, down, forward and back with just a touch. 

For a full selection of our Single Monitor Arms, click here!

Or if you're after Dual Monitor Arms, click here!




Tecno Tools is the best online retailer for cheap and affordable technology, tools and tool storage solutions for your home or workplace! At Tecno Tools you are guaranteed to find a bargain in our extensive range of technology, accessories, tools and storage that is of the best quality.


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If you’d like to know more about Tecno Tools and our services, simply click here to fill out a contact form or call us at 0433 734 100.

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