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5 Reasons To Use a Tripod For Your Camera

5 Reasons To Use a Tripod For Your Camera

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Have you been wondering what the advantages of using a tripod for your camera are? Here are our five reasons why you should consider buying one from Tecno Tools!


1. A Tripod Frees Your Hands

Using a tripod leaves your hands much more free, making it easier to tweak and adjust your lens, camera settings and composition. You can also set the camera up and step away from it’s position, meaning you can capture shy animals or position your tripod where you may not want to stand, such as in a puddle of water that sits in front of a beautiful waterfall.


2. They're Helpful For Panning

If you want to create a sense of speed when capturing action shots such as cars racing around a track, you'll want your sharp subject to be sat against a blurred background. To do this you need to pan your camera, following the subject as they move through your frame and even though you can do this hand-held, some photographers find it easier to use a tripod or monopod to help them capture the perfect pan. Monopods can move with the turn of your body while if you choose to use a tripod, a pan or ball head will make the task easier.


3. Create Different Angles

Tripods allow you to find unique higher or lower angles that you wouldn't be able to reach as easily or comfortably if working hand-held. For example, macro and flower photography is easier if you have a tripod where the centre column can be moved from zero to 180-degree angles. You can then use your camera facing the ground or at 90-degrees if you're shooting into a flowerbed. Some tripods also have special low lever legs and macro arms that allow you to position the camera at almost ground level.


4. Provide Better Stability

Probably the most useful reason for buying a tripod is that it provides stability to the camera. It also avoids camera shake by the operator, especially in those situations where longer exposure times are necessary. If you’re shooting anything from a sunset to starry nights, fireworks or the moon, you will need the stability that a tripod provides, particularly to keep the camera in position.


5. Shoot Self Portraits

Working with your arm awkwardly stretched so you can be in the frame isn't practical and won't produce beautiful shots anytime soon. For this reason, it's important to have a support so you can frame up, ensuring your horizon is straight if out on location before you take your shot. The same goes for group shots at parties, weddings and other gatherings you attend where you want to be in the frame. It also means you can shoot self-portraits in the studio, leaving the camera framed-up on the spot you want to position yourself in once you've set the camera up.


Our Weifeng 160cm Dual Bubble Level Camera Tripod could be just for you!

Built of durable aluminium, our sturdy Camera Tripod features several desirable shutterbug requirements such as 3-way fluid panhead, centre column hook for extra stability, quick release plate and secured clip and not least, bubble and spirit level.

Setting up or moving the tripod is also easy due to the strong legs that comes with a 2-section flip leg locking system. The Camera Tripod can take up to a maximum of 3.5kg in weight and folds away neatly into a handy carry bag.



- Durable aluminium

- Extremely light weight

- Flip lock for quick lock and release actions

- Quick-release plate

- Bubble level and spirit level

- Elevated column with geared system

- Attached with hook for extra stability

- Non-slip adjustable rubber feet

- Comes with a carry bag




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